

In [1]:
nova help
usage: nova [--version] [--debug] [--os-cache] [--timings]
            [--os-region-name <region-name>] [--service-type <service-type>]
            [--service-name <service-name>]
            [--os-endpoint-type <endpoint-type>]
            [--os-compute-api-version <compute-api-ver>]
            [--bypass-url <bypass-url>] [--insecure]
            [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--os-cert <certificate>]
            [--os-key <key>] [--timeout <seconds>] [--os-auth-type <name>]
            [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] [--os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID]
            [--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME] [--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID]
            [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME]
            [--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
            [--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]
            [--os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID]
            [--os-default-domain-id OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID]
            [--os-default-domain-name OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME]
            [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID] [--os-username OS_USERNAME]
            [--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]
            [--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
            [--os-password OS_PASSWORD]
            <subcommand> ...

Command-line interface to the OpenStack Nova API.

Positional arguments:
    absolute-limits             DEPRECATED, use limits instead.
    add-fixed-ip                Add new IP address on a network to server.
    add-floating-ip             DEPRECATED, use floating-ip-associate instead.
    add-secgroup                Add a Security Group to a server.
    agent-create                Create new agent build.
    agent-delete                Delete existing agent build.
    agent-list                  List all builds.
    agent-modify                Modify existing agent build.
    aggregate-add-host          Add the host to the specified aggregate.
    aggregate-create            Create a new aggregate with the specified
    aggregate-delete            Delete the aggregate.
    aggregate-details           DEPRECATED, use aggregate-show instead.
    aggregate-list              Print a list of all aggregates.
    aggregate-remove-host       Remove the specified host from the specified
    aggregate-set-metadata      Update the metadata associated with the
    aggregate-show              Show details of the specified aggregate.
    aggregate-update            Update the aggregate's name and optionally
                                availability zone.
    availability-zone-list      List all the availability zones.
    backup                      Backup a server by creating a 'backup' type
    boot                        Boot a new server.
    clear-password              Clear the admin password for a server from the
                                metadata server. This action does not actually
                                change the instance server password.
    cloudpipe-configure         Update the VPN IP/port of a cloudpipe
    cloudpipe-create            Create a cloudpipe instance for the given
    cloudpipe-list              Print a list of all cloudpipe instances.
    console-log                 Get console log output of a server.
    credentials                 Show user credentials returned from auth.
    delete                      Immediately shut down and delete specified
    diagnostics                 Retrieve server diagnostics.
    dns-create                  DEPRECATED: Create a DNS entry for domain,
                                name, and IP.
    dns-create-private-domain   DEPRECATED: Create the specified DNS domain.
    dns-create-public-domain    DEPRECATED: Create the specified DNS domain.
    dns-delete                  DEPRECATED: Delete the specified DNS entry.
    dns-delete-domain           DEPRECATED: Delete the specified DNS domain.
    dns-domains                 DEPRECATED: Print a list of available dns
    dns-list                    DEPRECATED: List current DNS entries for
                                domain and IP or domain and name.
    endpoints                   Discover endpoints that get returned from the
                                authenticate services.
    evacuate                    Evacuate server from failed host.
    fixed-ip-get                DEPRECATED: Retrieve info on a fixed IP.
    fixed-ip-reserve            DEPRECATED: Reserve a fixed IP.
    fixed-ip-unreserve          DEPRECATED: Unreserve a fixed IP.
    flavor-access-add           Add flavor access for the given tenant.
    flavor-access-list          Print access information about the given
    flavor-access-remove        Remove flavor access for the given tenant.
    flavor-create               Create a new flavor.
    flavor-delete               Delete a specific flavor
    flavor-key                  Set or unset extra_spec for a flavor.
    flavor-list                 Print a list of available 'flavors' (sizes of
    flavor-show                 Show details about the given flavor.
    floating-ip-associate       Associate a floating IP address to a server.
    floating-ip-bulk-create     DEPRECATED: Bulk create floating IPs by range
                                (nova-network only).
    floating-ip-bulk-delete     DEPRECATED: Bulk delete floating IPs by range
                                (nova-network only).
    floating-ip-bulk-list       DEPRECATED: List all floating IPs (nova-
                                network only).
    floating-ip-create          DEPRECATED: Allocate a floating IP for the
                                current tenant.
    floating-ip-delete          DEPRECATED: De-allocate a floating IP.
    floating-ip-disassociate    Disassociate a floating IP address from a
    floating-ip-list            DEPRECATED: List floating IPs.
    floating-ip-pool-list       DEPRECATED: List all floating IP pools.
    get-mks-console             Get an MKS console to a server. (Supported by
                                API versions '2.8' - '2.latest') [hint: use
                                '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help
                                message for proper version]
    get-password                Get the admin password for a server. This
                                operation calls the metadata service to query
                                metadata information and does not read
                                password information from the server itself.
    get-rdp-console             Get a rdp console to a server.
    get-serial-console          Get a serial console to a server.
    get-spice-console           Get a spice console to a server.
    get-vnc-console             Get a vnc console to a server.
    host-action                 Perform a power action on a host.
    host-describe               Describe a specific host.
    host-list                   List all hosts by service.
    host-update                 Update host settings.
    hypervisor-list             List hypervisors. (Supported by API versions
                                '2.0' - '2.latest') [hint: use '--os-compute-
                                api-version' flag to show help message for
                                proper version]
    hypervisor-servers          List servers belonging to specific
    hypervisor-show             Display the details of the specified
    hypervisor-stats            Get hypervisor statistics over all compute
    hypervisor-uptime           Display the uptime of the specified
    image-create                Create a new image by taking a snapshot of a
                                running server.
    image-delete                DEPRECATED: Delete specified image(s).
    image-list                  DEPRECATED: Print a list of available images
                                to boot from.
    image-meta                  DEPRECATED: Set or delete metadata on an
    image-show                  DEPRECATED: Show details about the given
    interface-attach            Attach a network interface to a server.
    interface-detach            Detach a network interface from a server.
    interface-list              List interfaces attached to a server.
    keypair-add                 Create a new key pair for use with servers.
    keypair-delete              Delete keypair given by its name. (Supported
                                by API versions '2.0' - '2.latest') [hint: use
                                '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help
                                message for proper version]
    keypair-list                Print a list of keypairs for a user (Supported
                                by API versions '2.0' - '2.latest') [hint: use
                                '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help
                                message for proper version]
    keypair-show                Show details about the given keypair.
                                (Supported by API versions '2.0' - '2.latest')
                                [hint: use '--os-compute-api-version' flag to
                                show help message for proper version]
    limits                      Print rate and absolute limits.
    list                        List active servers.
    list-secgroup               List Security Group(s) of a server.
    live-migration              Migrate running server to a new machine.
    live-migration-abort        Abort an on-going live migration. (Supported
                                by API versions '2.24' - '2.latest') [hint:
                                use '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show
                                help message for proper version]
                                Force on-going live migration to complete.
                                (Supported by API versions '2.22' -
                                '2.latest') [hint: use '--os-compute-api-
                                version' flag to show help message for proper
    lock                        Lock a server. A normal (non-admin) user will
                                not be able to execute actions on a locked
    meta                        Set or delete metadata on a server.
    migrate                     Migrate a server. The new host will be
                                selected by the scheduler.
    network-associate-host      DEPRECATED: Associate host with network.
    network-associate-project   DEPRECATED: Associate project with network.
    network-create              DEPRECATED: Create a network.
    network-delete              DEPRECATED: Delete network by label or id.
    network-disassociate        DEPRECATED: Disassociate host and/or project
                                from the given network.
    network-list                DEPRECATED: Print a list of available
    network-show                DEPRECATED: Show details about the given
    pause                       Pause a server.
    quota-class-show            List the quotas for a quota class.
    quota-class-update          Update the quotas for a quota class.
                                (Supported by API versions '2.0' - '2.latest')
                                [hint: use '--os-compute-api-version' flag to
                                show help message for proper version]
    quota-defaults              List the default quotas for a tenant.
    quota-delete                Delete quota for a tenant/user so their quota
                                will Revert back to default.
    quota-show                  List the quotas for a tenant/user.
    quota-update                Update the quotas for a tenant/user.
                                (Supported by API versions '2.0' - '2.latest')
                                [hint: use '--os-compute-api-version' flag to
                                show help message for proper version]
    rate-limits                 DEPRECATED, use limits instead.
    reboot                      Reboot a server.
    rebuild                     Shutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server.
    refresh-network             Refresh server network information.
    remove-fixed-ip             Remove an IP address from a server.
    remove-floating-ip          DEPRECATED, use floating-ip-disassociate
    remove-secgroup             Remove a Security Group from a server.
    rename                      DEPRECATED, use update instead.
    rescue                      Reboots a server into rescue mode, which
                                starts the machine from either the initial
                                image or a specified image, attaching the
                                current boot disk as secondary.
    reset-network               Reset network of a server.
    reset-state                 Reset the state of a server.
    resize                      Resize a server.
    resize-confirm              Confirm a previous resize.
    resize-revert               Revert a previous resize (and return to the
                                previous VM).
    resume                      Resume a server.
    root-password               DEPRECATED, use set-password instead.
    scrub                       DEPRECATED: Delete networks and security
                                groups associated with a project.
    secgroup-add-default-rule   DEPRECATED: Add a rule to the set of rules
                                that will be added to the 'default' security
                                group for new tenants (nova-network only).
    secgroup-add-group-rule     DEPRECATED: Add a source group rule to a
                                security group.
    secgroup-add-rule           DEPRECATED: Add a rule to a security group.
    secgroup-create             DEPRECATED: Create a security group.
    secgroup-delete             DEPRECATED: Delete a security group.
                                DEPRECATED: Delete a rule from the set of
                                rules that will be added to the 'default'
                                security group for new tenants (nova-network
    secgroup-delete-group-rule  DEPRECATED: Delete a source group rule from a
                                security group.
    secgroup-delete-rule        DEPRECATED: Delete a rule from a security
    secgroup-list               DEPRECATED: List security groups for the
                                current tenant.
                                DEPRECATED: List rules that will be added to
                                the 'default' security group for new tenants.
    secgroup-list-rules         DEPRECATED: List rules for a security group.
    secgroup-update             DEPRECATED: Update a security group.
    server-group-create         Create a new server group with the specified
    server-group-delete         Delete specific server group(s).
    server-group-get            Get a specific server group.
    server-group-list           Print a list of all server groups.
    server-migration-list       Get the migrations list of specified server.
                                (Supported by API versions '2.23' -
                                '2.latest') [hint: use '--os-compute-api-
                                version' flag to show help message for proper
    server-migration-show       Get the migration of specified server.
                                (Supported by API versions '2.23' -
                                '2.latest') [hint: use '--os-compute-api-
                                version' flag to show help message for proper
    server-tag-add              Add single tag to a server. (Supported by API
                                versions '2.26' - '2.latest') [hint: use
                                '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help
                                message for proper version]
    server-tag-delete           Delete single tag from a server. (Supported by
                                API versions '2.26' - '2.latest') [hint: use
                                '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help
                                message for proper version]
    server-tag-delete-all       Delete all tags from a server. (Supported by
                                API versions '2.26' - '2.latest') [hint: use
                                '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help
                                message for proper version]
    server-tag-list             Get list of tags from a server. (Supported by
                                API versions '2.26' - '2.latest') [hint: use
                                '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help
                                message for proper version]
    server-tag-set              Set list of tags to a server. (Supported by
                                API versions '2.26' - '2.latest') [hint: use
                                '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help
                                message for proper version]
    service-delete              Delete the service.
    service-disable             Disable the service.
    service-enable              Enable the service.
    service-force-down          Force service to down. (Supported by API
                                versions '2.11' - '2.latest') [hint: use
                                '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show help
                                message for proper version]
    service-list                Show a list of all running services. Filter by
                                host & binary.
    set-password                Change the admin password for a server.
    shelve                      Shelve a server.
    shelve-offload              Remove a shelved server from the compute node.
    show                        Show details about the given server.
    ssh                         SSH into a server.
    start                       Start the server(s).
    stop                        Stop the server(s).
    suspend                     Suspend a server.
    trigger-crash-dump          Trigger crash dump in an instance. (Supported
                                by API versions '2.17' - '2.latest') [hint:
                                use '--os-compute-api-version' flag to show
                                help message for proper version]
    unlock                      Unlock a server.
    unpause                     Unpause a server.
    unrescue                    Restart the server from normal boot disk
    unshelve                    Unshelve a server.
    update                      Update the name or the description for a
    usage                       Show usage data for a single tenant.
    usage-list                  List usage data for all tenants.
    version-list                List all API versions.
    virtual-interface-list      Show virtual interface info about the given
    volume-attach               Attach a volume to a server.
    volume-attachments          List all the volumes attached to a server.
    volume-detach               Detach a volume from a server.
    volume-update               Update volume attachment.
    x509-create-cert            Create x509 cert for a user in tenant.
    x509-get-root-cert          Fetch the x509 root cert.
    bash-completion             Prints all of the commands and options to
                                stdout so that the nova.bash_completion script
                                doesn't have to hard code them.
    help                        Display help about this program or one of its
    baremetal-interface-list    DEPRECATED: List network interfaces associated
                                with a baremetal node.
    baremetal-node-list         DEPRECATED: Print list of available baremetal
    baremetal-node-show         DEPRECATED: Show information about a baremetal
    cell-capacities             Get cell capacities for all cells or a given
    cell-show                   Show details of a given cell.
    force-delete                Force delete a server.
    restore                     Restore a soft-deleted server.
    host-evacuate               Evacuate all instances from failed host.
    host-evacuate-live          Live migrate all instances of the specified
                                host to other available hosts.
    host-servers-migrate        Cold migrate all instances off the specified
                                host to other available hosts.
    instance-action             Show an action.
    instance-action-list        List actions on a server.
    list-extensions             List all the os-api extensions that are
    host-meta                   Set or Delete metadata on all instances of a
    migration-list              Print a list of migrations.
    net                         DEPRECATED, use tenant-network-show instead.
    net-create                  DEPRECATED, use tenant-network-create instead.
    net-delete                  DEPRECATED, use tenant-network-delete instead.
    net-list                    DEPRECATED, use tenant-network-list instead.
    tenant-network-create       DEPRECATED: Create a tenant network.
    tenant-network-delete       DEPRECATED: Delete a tenant network.
    tenant-network-list         DEPRECATED: List tenant networks.
    tenant-network-show         DEPRECATED: Show a tenant network.

Optional arguments:
  --version                     show program's version number and exit
  --debug                       Print debugging output.
  --os-cache                    Use the auth token cache. Defaults to False if
                                env[OS_CACHE] is not set.
  --timings                     Print call timing info.
  --os-region-name <region-name>
                                Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME].
  --service-type <service-type>
                                Defaults to compute for most actions.
  --service-name <service-name>
                                Defaults to env[NOVA_SERVICE_NAME].
  --os-endpoint-type <endpoint-type>
                                Defaults to env[NOVA_ENDPOINT_TYPE],
                                env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or publicURL.
  --os-compute-api-version <compute-api-ver>
                                Accepts X, X.Y (where X is major and Y is
                                minor part) or "X.latest", defaults to
  --bypass-url <bypass-url>     Use this API endpoint instead of the Service
                                Catalog. Defaults to
  --os-auth-type <name>, --os-auth-plugin <name>
                                Authentication type to use

API Connection Options:
  Options controlling the HTTP API Connections

  --insecure                    Explicitly allow client to perform "insecure"
                                TLS (https) requests. The server's certificate
                                will not be verified against any certificate
                                authorities. This option should be used with
  --os-cacert <ca-certificate>  Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a
                                TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to
  --os-cert <certificate>       Defaults to env[OS_CERT].
  --os-key <key>                Defaults to env[OS_KEY].
  --timeout <seconds>           Set request timeout (in seconds).

Authentication Options:
  Options specific to the password plugin.

  --os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL     Authentication URL
  --os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID   Domain ID to scope to
  --os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME
                                Domain name to scope to
  --os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID, --os-tenant-id OS_PROJECT_ID
                                Project ID to scope to
  --os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME, --os-tenant-name OS_PROJECT_NAME
                                Project name to scope to
  --os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID
                                Domain ID containing project
  --os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME
                                Domain name containing project
  --os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID     Trust ID
  --os-default-domain-id OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID
                                Optional domain ID to use with v3 and v2
                                parameters. It will be used for both the user
                                and project domain in v3 and ignored in v2
  --os-default-domain-name OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
                                Optional domain name to use with v3 API and v2
                                parameters. It will be used for both the user
                                and project domain in v3 and ignored in v2
  --os-user-id OS_USER_ID       User id
  --os-username OS_USERNAME, --os-user-name OS_USERNAME
  --os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID
                                User's domain id
  --os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME
                                User's domain name
  --os-password OS_PASSWORD     User's password

See "nova help COMMAND" for help on a specific command.


In [2]:
nova help boot
usage: nova boot [--flavor <flavor>] [--image <image>]
                 [--image-with <key=value>] [--boot-volume <volume_id>]
                 [--snapshot <snapshot_id>] [--min-count <number>]
                 [--max-count <number>] [--meta <key=value>]
                 [--file <dst-path=src-path>] [--key-name <key-name>]
                 [--user-data <user-data>]
                 [--availability-zone <availability-zone>]
                 [--security-groups <security-groups>]
                 [--block-device-mapping <dev-name=mapping>]
                 [--block-device key1=value1[,key2=value2...]]
                 [--swap <swap_size>]
                 [--ephemeral size=<size>[,format=<format>]]
                 [--hint <key=value>]
                 [--nic <auto,none,net-id=net-uuid,net-name=network-name,port-id=port-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,v6-fixed-ip=ip-addr,tag=tag>]
                 [--config-drive <value>] [--poll] [--admin-pass <value>]
                 [--access-ip-v4 <value>] [--access-ip-v6 <value>]
                 [--description <description>]

Boot a new server.

Positional arguments:
  <name>                        Name for the new server.

Optional arguments:
  --flavor <flavor>             Name or ID of flavor (see 'nova flavor-list').
  --image <image>               Name or ID of image (see 'glance image-list').
  --image-with <key=value>      Image metadata property (see 'glance image-
  --boot-volume <volume_id>     Volume ID to boot from.
  --snapshot <snapshot_id>      Snapshot ID to boot from (will create a
  --min-count <number>          Boot at least <number> servers (limited by
  --max-count <number>          Boot up to <number> servers (limited by
  --meta <key=value>            Record arbitrary key/value metadata to
                                /meta_data.json on the metadata server. Can be
                                specified multiple times.
  --file <dst-path=src-path>    Store arbitrary files from <src-path> locally
                                to <dst-path> on the new server. Limited by
                                the injected_files quota value.
  --key-name <key-name>         Key name of keypair that should be created
                                earlier with the command keypair-add.
  --user-data <user-data>       user data file to pass to be exposed by the
                                metadata server.
  --availability-zone <availability-zone>
                                The availability zone for server placement.
  --security-groups <security-groups>
                                Comma separated list of security group names.
  --block-device-mapping <dev-name=mapping>
                                Block device mapping in the format <dev-
  --block-device key1=value1[,key2=value2...]
                                Block device mapping with the keys: id=UUID
                                (image_id, snapshot_id or volume_id only if
                                using source image, snapshot or volume)
                                source=source type (image, snapshot, volume or
                                blank), dest=destination type of the block
                                device (volume or local), bus=device's bus
                                (e.g. uml, lxc, virtio, ...; if omitted,
                                hypervisor driver chooses a suitable default,
                                honoured only if device type is supplied)
                                type=device type (e.g. disk, cdrom, ...;
                                defaults to 'disk') device=name of the device
                                (e.g. vda, xda, ...; tag=device metadata tag
                                (optional) if omitted, hypervisor driver
                                chooses suitable device depending on selected
                                bus; note the libvirt driver always uses
                                default device names), size=size of the block
                                device in MB(for swap) and in GB(for other
                                formats) (if omitted, hypervisor driver
                                calculates size), format=device will be
                                formatted (e.g. swap, ntfs, ...; optional),
                                bootindex=integer used for ordering the boot
                                disks (for image backed instances it is equal
                                to 0, for others need to be specified) and
                                shutdown=shutdown behaviour (either preserve
                                or remove, for local destination set to
                                remove). (Supported by API versions '2.32' -
  --swap <swap_size>            Create and attach a local swap block device of
                                <swap_size> MB.
  --ephemeral size=<size>[,format=<format>]
                                Create and attach a local ephemeral block
                                device of <size> GB and format it to <format>.
  --hint <key=value>            Send arbitrary key/value pairs to the
                                scheduler for custom use.
  --nic <auto,none,net-id=net-uuid,net-name=network-name,port-id=port-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,v6-fixed-ip=ip-addr,tag=tag>
                                Create a NIC on the server. Specify option
                                multiple times to create multiple nics unless
                                using the special 'auto' or 'none' values.
                                auto: automatically allocate network resources
                                if none are available. This cannot be
                                specified with any other nic value and cannot
                                be specified multiple times. none: do not
                                attach a NIC at all. This cannot be specified
                                with any other nic value and cannot be
                                specified multiple times. net-id: attach NIC
                                to network with a specific UUID. net-name:
                                attach NIC to network with this name (either
                                port-id or net-id or net-name must be
                                provided), v4-fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed address for
                                NIC (optional), v6-fixed-ip: IPv6 fixed
                                address for NIC (optional), port-id: attach
                                NIC to port with this UUID tag: interface
                                metadata tag (optional) (either port-id or
                                net-id must be provided). (Supported by API
                                versions '2.37' - '2.latest')
  --config-drive <value>        Enable config drive.
  --poll                        Report the new server boot progress until it
  --admin-pass <value>          Admin password for the instance.
  --access-ip-v4 <value>        Alternative access IPv4 of the instance.
  --access-ip-v6 <value>        Alternative access IPv6 of the instance.
  --description <description>   Description for the server. (Supported by API
                                versions '2.19' - '2.latest')


In [3]:
neutron help
usage: neutron [--version] [-v] [-q] [-h] [-r NUM]
               [--os-service-type <os-service-type>]
               [--os-endpoint-type <os-endpoint-type>]
               [--service-type <service-type>]
               [--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>]
               [--os-auth-strategy <auth-strategy>] [--os-cloud <cloud>]
               [--os-auth-url <auth-url>]
               [--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name> | --os-project-name <auth-project-name>]
               [--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id> | --os-project-id <auth-project-id>]
               [--os-username <auth-username>] [--os-user-id <auth-user-id>]
               [--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>]
               [--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>]
               [--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>]
               [--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>]
               [--os-cert <certificate>] [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>]
               [--os-key <key>] [--os-password <auth-password>]
               [--os-region-name <auth-region-name>] [--os-token <token>]
               [--http-timeout <seconds>] [--os-url <url>] [--insecure]

Command-line interface to the Neutron APIs

optional arguments:
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose, --debug
                        Increase verbosity of output and show tracebacks on
                        errors. You can repeat this option.
  -q, --quiet           Suppress output except warnings and errors.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -r NUM, --retries NUM
                        How many times the request to the Neutron server
                        should be retried if it fails.
  --os-service-type <os-service-type>
                        Defaults to env[OS_NETWORK_SERVICE_TYPE] or network.
  --os-endpoint-type <os-endpoint-type>
                        Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or public.
  --service-type <service-type>
                        DEPRECATED! Use --os-service-type.
  --endpoint-type <endpoint-type>
                        DEPRECATED! Use --os-endpoint-type.
  --os-auth-strategy <auth-strategy>
                        DEPRECATED! Only keystone is supported.
  --os-cloud <cloud>    Defaults to env[OS_CLOUD].
  --os-auth-url <auth-url>
                        Authentication URL, defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL].
  --os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>
                        Authentication tenant name, defaults to
  --os-project-name <auth-project-name>
                        Another way to specify tenant name. This option is
                        mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-name. Defaults to
  --os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>
                        Authentication tenant ID, defaults to
  --os-project-id <auth-project-id>
                        Another way to specify tenant ID. This option is
                        mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-id. Defaults to
  --os-username <auth-username>
                        Authentication username, defaults to env[OS_USERNAME].
  --os-user-id <auth-user-id>
                        Authentication user ID (Env: OS_USER_ID)
  --os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>
                        OpenStack user domain ID. Defaults to
  --os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>
                        OpenStack user domain name. Defaults to
  --os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>
                        Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID].
  --os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>
                        Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME].
  --os-cert <certificate>
                        Path of certificate file to use in SSL connection.
                        This file can optionally be prepended with the private
                        key. Defaults to env[OS_CERT].
  --os-cacert <ca-certificate>
                        Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS
                        (https) server certificate. Defaults to
  --os-key <key>        Path of client key to use in SSL connection. This
                        option is not necessary if your key is prepended to
                        your certificate file. Defaults to env[OS_KEY].
  --os-password <auth-password>
                        Authentication password, defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].
  --os-region-name <auth-region-name>
                        Authentication region name, defaults to
  --os-token <token>    Authentication token, defaults to env[OS_TOKEN].
  --http-timeout <seconds>
                        Timeout in seconds to wait for an HTTP response.
                        Defaults to env[OS_NETWORK_TIMEOUT] or None if not
  --os-url <url>        Defaults to env[OS_URL].
  --insecure            Explicitly allow neutronclient to perform "insecure"
                        SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will
                        not be verified against any certificate authorities.
                        This option should be used with caution.

Commands for API v2.0:
  address-scope-create               Create an address scope for a given tenant.
  address-scope-delete               Delete an address scope.
  address-scope-list                 List address scopes that belong to a given tenant.
  address-scope-show                 Show information about an address scope.
  address-scope-update               Update an address scope.
  agent-delete                       Delete a given agent.
  agent-list                         List agents.
  agent-show                         Show information of a given agent.
  agent-update                       Updates the admin status and description for a specified agent.
  auto-allocated-topology-delete     Delete the auto-allocated topology of a given tenant.
  auto-allocated-topology-show       Show the auto-allocated topology of a given tenant.
  availability-zone-list             List availability zones.
  bash-completion                    Prints all of the commands and options for bash-completion.
  bgp-dragent-list-hosting-speaker   List Dynamic Routing agents hosting a BGP speaker.
  bgp-dragent-speaker-add            Add a BGP speaker to a Dynamic Routing agent.
  bgp-dragent-speaker-remove         Removes a BGP speaker from a Dynamic Routing agent.
  bgp-peer-create                    Create a BGP Peer.
  bgp-peer-delete                    Delete a BGP peer.
  bgp-peer-list                      List BGP peers.
  bgp-peer-show                      Show information of a given BGP peer.
  bgp-peer-update                    Update BGP Peer's information.
  bgp-speaker-advertiseroute-list    List routes advertised by a given BGP speaker.
  bgp-speaker-create                 Create a BGP Speaker.
  bgp-speaker-delete                 Delete a BGP speaker.
  bgp-speaker-list                   List BGP speakers.
  bgp-speaker-list-on-dragent        List BGP speakers hosted by a Dynamic Routing agent.
  bgp-speaker-network-add            Add a network to the BGP speaker.
  bgp-speaker-network-remove         Remove a network from the BGP speaker.
  bgp-speaker-peer-add               Add a peer to the BGP speaker.
  bgp-speaker-peer-remove            Remove a peer from the BGP speaker.
  bgp-speaker-show                   Show information of a given BGP speaker.
  bgp-speaker-update                 Update BGP Speaker's information.
  dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net        List DHCP agents hosting a network.
  dhcp-agent-network-add             Add a network to a DHCP agent.
  dhcp-agent-network-remove          Remove a network from a DHCP agent.
  ext-list                           List all extensions.
  ext-show                           Show information of a given resource.
  firewall-create                    Create a firewall.
  firewall-delete                    Delete a given firewall.
  firewall-list                      List firewalls that belong to a given tenant.
  firewall-policy-create             Create a firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-delete             Delete a given firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-insert-rule        Insert a rule into a given firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-list               List firewall policies that belong to a given tenant.
  firewall-policy-remove-rule        Remove a rule from a given firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-show               Show information of a given firewall policy.
  firewall-policy-update             Update a given firewall policy.
  firewall-rule-create               Create a firewall rule.
  firewall-rule-delete               Delete a given firewall rule.
  firewall-rule-list                 List firewall rules that belong to a given tenant.
  firewall-rule-show                 Show information of a given firewall rule.
  firewall-rule-update               Update a given firewall rule.
  firewall-show                      Show information of a given firewall.
  firewall-update                    Update a given firewall.
  flavor-associate                   Associate a Neutron service flavor with a flavor profile.
  flavor-create                      Create a Neutron service flavor.
  flavor-delete                      Delete a given Neutron service flavor.
  flavor-disassociate                Disassociate a Neutron service flavor from a flavor profile.
  flavor-list                        List Neutron service flavors.
  flavor-profile-create              Create a Neutron service flavor profile.
  flavor-profile-delete              Delete a given Neutron service flavor profile.
  flavor-profile-list                List Neutron service flavor profiles.
  flavor-profile-show                Show information about a given Neutron service flavor profile.
  flavor-profile-update              Update a given Neutron service flavor profile.
  flavor-show                        Show information about a given Neutron service flavor.
  flavor-update                      Update a Neutron service flavor.
  floatingip-associate               Create a mapping between a floating IP and a fixed IP.
  floatingip-create                  Create a floating IP for a given tenant.
  floatingip-delete                  Delete a given floating IP.
  floatingip-disassociate            Remove a mapping from a floating IP to a fixed IP.
  floatingip-list                    List floating IPs that belong to a given tenant.
  floatingip-show                    Show information of a given floating IP.
  help                               print detailed help for another command
  ipsec-site-connection-create       Create an IPsec site connection.
  ipsec-site-connection-delete       Delete a given IPsec site connection.
  ipsec-site-connection-list         List IPsec site connections that belong to a given tenant.
  ipsec-site-connection-show         Show information of a given IPsec site connection.
  ipsec-site-connection-update       Update a given IPsec site connection.
  l3-agent-list-hosting-router       List L3 agents hosting a router.
  l3-agent-router-add                Add a router to a L3 agent.
  l3-agent-router-remove             Remove a router from a L3 agent.
  lb-agent-hosting-pool              Get loadbalancer agent hosting a pool.
  lb-healthmonitor-associate         Create a mapping between a health monitor and a pool.
  lb-healthmonitor-create            Create a health monitor.
  lb-healthmonitor-delete            Delete a given health monitor.
  lb-healthmonitor-disassociate      Remove a mapping from a health monitor to a pool.
  lb-healthmonitor-list              List health monitors that belong to a given tenant.
  lb-healthmonitor-show              Show information of a given health monitor.
  lb-healthmonitor-update            Update a given health monitor.
  lb-member-create                   Create a member.
  lb-member-delete                   Delete a given member.
  lb-member-list                     List members that belong to a given tenant.
  lb-member-show                     Show information of a given member.
  lb-member-update                   Update a given member.
  lb-pool-create                     Create a pool.
  lb-pool-delete                     Delete a given pool.
  lb-pool-list                       List pools that belong to a given tenant.
  lb-pool-list-on-agent              List the pools on a loadbalancer agent.
  lb-pool-show                       Show information of a given pool.
  lb-pool-stats                      Retrieve stats for a given pool.
  lb-pool-update                     Update a given pool.
  lb-vip-create                      Create a vip.
  lb-vip-delete                      Delete a given vip.
  lb-vip-list                        List vips that belong to a given tenant.
  lb-vip-show                        Show information of a given vip.
  lb-vip-update                      Update a given vip.
  lbaas-agent-hosting-loadbalancer   Get lbaas v2 agent hosting a loadbalancer.
  lbaas-healthmonitor-create         LBaaS v2 Create a healthmonitor.
  lbaas-healthmonitor-delete         LBaaS v2 Delete a given healthmonitor.
  lbaas-healthmonitor-list           LBaaS v2 List healthmonitors that belong to a given tenant.
  lbaas-healthmonitor-show           LBaaS v2 Show information of a given healthmonitor.
  lbaas-healthmonitor-update         LBaaS v2 Update a given healthmonitor.
  lbaas-l7policy-create              LBaaS v2 Create L7 policy.
  lbaas-l7policy-delete              LBaaS v2 Delete a given L7 policy.
  lbaas-l7policy-list                LBaaS v2 List L7 policies that belong to a given listener.
  lbaas-l7policy-show                LBaaS v2 Show information of a given L7 policy.
  lbaas-l7policy-update              LBaaS v2 Update a given L7 policy.
  lbaas-l7rule-create                LBaaS v2 Create L7 rule.
  lbaas-l7rule-delete                LBaaS v2 Delete a given L7 rule.
  lbaas-l7rule-list                  LBaaS v2 List L7 rules that belong to a given L7 policy.
  lbaas-l7rule-show                  LBaaS v2 Show information of a given rule.
  lbaas-l7rule-update                LBaaS v2 Update a given L7 rule.
  lbaas-listener-create              LBaaS v2 Create a listener.
  lbaas-listener-delete              LBaaS v2 Delete a given listener.
  lbaas-listener-list                LBaaS v2 List listeners that belong to a given tenant.
  lbaas-listener-show                LBaaS v2 Show information of a given listener.
  lbaas-listener-update              LBaaS v2 Update a given listener.
  lbaas-loadbalancer-create          LBaaS v2 Create a loadbalancer.
  lbaas-loadbalancer-delete          LBaaS v2 Delete a given loadbalancer.
  lbaas-loadbalancer-list            LBaaS v2 List loadbalancers that belong to a given tenant.
  lbaas-loadbalancer-list-on-agent   List the loadbalancers on a loadbalancer v2 agent.
  lbaas-loadbalancer-show            LBaaS v2 Show information of a given loadbalancer.
  lbaas-loadbalancer-stats           Retrieve stats for a given loadbalancer.
  lbaas-loadbalancer-status          Retrieve status for a given loadbalancer.
  lbaas-loadbalancer-update          LBaaS v2 Update a given loadbalancer.
  lbaas-member-create                LBaaS v2 Create a member.
  lbaas-member-delete                LBaaS v2 Delete a given member.
  lbaas-member-list                  LBaaS v2 List members that belong to a given pool.
  lbaas-member-show                  LBaaS v2 Show information of a given member.
  lbaas-member-update                LBaaS v2 Update a given member.
  lbaas-pool-create                  LBaaS v2 Create a pool.
  lbaas-pool-delete                  LBaaS v2 Delete a given pool.
  lbaas-pool-list                    LBaaS v2 List pools that belong to a given tenant.
  lbaas-pool-show                    LBaaS v2 Show information of a given pool.
  lbaas-pool-update                  LBaaS v2 Update a given pool.
  meter-label-create                 Create a metering label for a given tenant.
  meter-label-delete                 Delete a given metering label.
  meter-label-list                   List metering labels that belong to a given tenant.
  meter-label-rule-create            Create a metering label rule for a given label.
  meter-label-rule-delete            Delete a given metering label.
  meter-label-rule-list              List metering labels that belong to a given label.
  meter-label-rule-show              Show information of a given metering label rule.
  meter-label-show                   Show information of a given metering label.
  net-create                         Create a network for a given tenant.
  net-delete                         Delete a given network.
  net-external-list                  List external networks that belong to a given tenant.
  net-ip-availability-list           List IP usage of networks
  net-ip-availability-show           Show IP usage of specific network
  net-list                           List networks that belong to a given tenant.
  net-list-on-dhcp-agent             List the networks on a DHCP agent.
  net-show                           Show information of a given network.
  net-update                         Update network's information.
  port-create                        Create a port for a given tenant.
  port-delete                        Delete a given port.
  port-list                          List ports that belong to a given tenant.
  port-show                          Show information of a given port.
  port-update                        Update port's information.
  purge                              Delete all resources that belong to a given tenant.
  qos-available-rule-types           List available qos rule types.
  qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-create    Create a qos bandwidth limit rule.
  qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-delete    Delete a given qos bandwidth limit rule.
  qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-list      List all qos bandwidth limit rules belonging to the specified policy.
  qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-show      Show information about the given qos bandwidth limit rule.
  qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-update    Update the given qos bandwidth limit rule.
  qos-dscp-marking-rule-create       Create a QoS DSCP marking rule.
  qos-dscp-marking-rule-delete       Delete a given qos dscp marking rule.
  qos-dscp-marking-rule-list         List all QoS DSCP marking rules belonging to the specified policy.
  qos-dscp-marking-rule-show         Show information about the given qos dscp marking rule.
  qos-dscp-marking-rule-update       Update the given QoS DSCP marking rule.
  qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-create  Create a qos minimum bandwidth rule.
  qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-delete  Delete a given qos minimum bandwidth rule.
  qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-list    List all qos minimum bandwidth rules belonging to the specified policy.
  qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-show    Show information about the given qos minimum bandwidth rule.
  qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-update  Update the given qos minimum bandwidth rule.
  qos-policy-create                  Create a qos policy.
  qos-policy-delete                  Delete a given qos policy.
  qos-policy-list                    List QoS policies that belong to a given tenant connection.
  qos-policy-show                    Show information of a given qos policy.
  qos-policy-update                  Update a given qos policy.
  quota-default-show                 Show default quotas for a given tenant.
  quota-delete                       Delete defined quotas of a given tenant.
  quota-list                         List quotas of all tenants who have non-default quota values.
  quota-show                         Show quotas for a given tenant.
  quota-update                       Define tenant's quotas not to use defaults.
  rbac-create                        Create a RBAC policy for a given tenant.
  rbac-delete                        Delete a RBAC policy.
  rbac-list                          List RBAC policies that belong to a given tenant.
  rbac-show                          Show information of a given RBAC policy.
  rbac-update                        Update RBAC policy for given tenant.
  router-create                      Create a router for a given tenant.
  router-delete                      Delete a given router.
  router-gateway-clear               Remove an external network gateway from a router.
  router-gateway-set                 Set the external network gateway for a router.
  router-interface-add               Add an internal network interface to a router.
  router-interface-delete            Remove an internal network interface from a router.
  router-list                        List routers that belong to a given tenant.
  router-list-on-l3-agent            List the routers on a L3 agent.
  router-port-list                   List ports that belong to a given tenant, with specified router.
  router-show                        Show information of a given router.
  router-update                      Update router's information.
  security-group-create              Create a security group.
  security-group-delete              Delete a given security group.
  security-group-list                List security groups that belong to a given tenant.
  security-group-rule-create         Create a security group rule.
  security-group-rule-delete         Delete a given security group rule.
  security-group-rule-list           List security group rules that belong to a given tenant.
  security-group-rule-show           Show information of a given security group rule.
  security-group-show                Show information of a given security group.
  security-group-update              Update a given security group.
  service-provider-list              List service providers.
  subnet-create                      Create a subnet for a given tenant.
  subnet-delete                      Delete a given subnet.
  subnet-list                        List subnets that belong to a given tenant.
  subnet-show                        Show information of a given subnet.
  subnet-update                      Update subnet's information.
  subnetpool-create                  Create a subnetpool for a given tenant.
  subnetpool-delete                  Delete a given subnetpool.
  subnetpool-list                    List subnetpools that belong to a given tenant.
  subnetpool-show                    Show information of a given subnetpool.
  subnetpool-update                  Update subnetpool's information.
  tag-add                            Add a tag into the resource.
  tag-remove                         Remove a tag on the resource.
  tag-replace                        Replace all tags on the resource.
  vpn-endpoint-group-create          Create a VPN endpoint group.
  vpn-endpoint-group-delete          Delete a given VPN endpoint group.
  vpn-endpoint-group-list            List VPN endpoint groups that belong to a given tenant.
  vpn-endpoint-group-show            Show a specific VPN endpoint group.
  vpn-endpoint-group-update          Update a given VPN endpoint group.
  vpn-ikepolicy-create               Create an IKE policy.
  vpn-ikepolicy-delete               Delete a given IKE policy.
  vpn-ikepolicy-list                 List IKE policies that belong to a tenant.
  vpn-ikepolicy-show                 Show information of a given IKE policy.
  vpn-ikepolicy-update               Update a given IKE policy.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-create             Create an IPsec policy.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-delete             Delete a given IPsec policy.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-list               List IPsec policies that belong to a given tenant connection.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-show               Show information of a given IPsec policy.
  vpn-ipsecpolicy-update             Update a given IPsec policy.
  vpn-service-create                 Create a VPN service.
  vpn-service-delete                 Delete a given VPN service.
  vpn-service-list                   List VPN service configurations that belong to a given tenant.
  vpn-service-show                   Show information of a given VPN service.
  vpn-service-update                 Update a given VPN service.
In [4]:
neutron help net-create
usage: neutron net-create [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--max-width <integer>] [--noindent]
                          [--prefix PREFIX] [--request-format {json}]
                          [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--admin-state-down]
                          [--shared] [--provider:network_type <network_type>]
                          [--provider:physical_network <physical_network_name>]
                          [--provider:segmentation_id <segmentation_id>]
                          [--vlan-transparent {True,False}]
                          [--description DESCRIPTION]
                          [--qos-policy QOS_POLICY]
                          [--availability-zone-hint AVAILABILITY_ZONE]
                          [--dns-domain DNS_DOMAIN]

Create a network for a given tenant.

positional arguments:
  NAME                  Name of the network to be created.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --request-format {json}
                        DEPRECATED! Only JSON request format is supported.
  --tenant-id TENANT_ID
                        The owner tenant ID.
  --admin-state-down    Set admin state up to false.
  --shared              Set the network as shared.
  --provider:network_type <network_type>
                        The physical mechanism by which the virtual network is
  --provider:physical_network <physical_network_name>
                        Name of the physical network over which the virtual
                        network is implemented.
  --provider:segmentation_id <segmentation_id>
                        VLAN ID for VLAN networks or tunnel-id for GRE/VXLAN
  --vlan-transparent {True,False}
                        Create a VLAN transparent network.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Description of network.
  --qos-policy QOS_POLICY
                        ID or name of the QoS policy that shouldbe attached to
                        the resource.
  --availability-zone-hint AVAILABILITY_ZONE
                        Availability Zone for the network (requires
                        availability zone extension, this option can be
  --dns-domain DNS_DOMAIN
                        Assign DNS domain to the network (requires DNS
                        integration extension)

output formatters:
  output formatter options

  -f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}, --format {json,shell,table,value,yaml}
                        the output format, defaults to table
  -c COLUMN, --column COLUMN
                        specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated

table formatter:
  --max-width <integer>
                        Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use
                        the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the
                        parameter takes precedence.

json formatter:
  --noindent            whether to disable indenting the JSON

shell formatter:
  a format a UNIX shell can parse (variable="value")

  --prefix PREFIX       add a prefix to all variable names
In [7]:
heat help
usage: heat [--version] [-d] [-v] [--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT]
            [--os-no-client-auth] [--heat-url HEAT_URL]
            [--heat-api-version HEAT_API_VERSION] [--include-password] [-k]
            [--os-cert OS_CERT] [--cert-file OS_CERT] [--os-key OS_KEY]
            [--key-file OS_KEY] [--os-cacert <ca-certificate-file>]
            [--ca-file OS_CACERT] [--os-username OS_USERNAME]
            [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID] [--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]
            [--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
            [--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID]
            [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME]
            [--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
            [--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]
            [--os-password OS_PASSWORD] [--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID]
            [--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME] [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL]
            [--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME] [--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN]
            [--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE]
            [--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] [--profile HMAC_KEY]
            <subcommand> ...

Command-line interface to the Heat API.

Positional arguments:
    action-check        Check that stack resources are in expected states.
    action-resume       Resume the stack.
    action-suspend      Suspend the stack.
    build-info          Retrieve build information.
    config-create       Create a software configuration.
    config-delete       Delete the software configuration(s).
    config-list         List software configs.
    config-show         View details of a software configuration.
    deployment-create   Create a software deployment.
    deployment-delete   Delete the software deployment(s).
    deployment-list     List software deployments.
                        Get deployment configuration metadata for the
                        specified server.
                        Show a specific deployment output.
    deployment-show     Show the details of a software deployment.
    event               DEPRECATED!
    event-list          List events for a stack.
    event-show          Describe the event.
    hook-clear          Clear hooks on a given stack.
    hook-poll           List resources with pending hook for a stack.
    output-list         Show available outputs.
    output-show         Show a specific stack output.
    resource-list       Show list of resources belonging to a stack.
                        Set resource's health.
    resource-metadata   List resource metadata.
    resource-show       Describe the resource.
    resource-signal     Send a signal to a resource.
    resource-template   DEPRECATED!
    resource-type-list  List the available resource types.
    resource-type-show  Show the resource type.
                        Generate a template based on a resource type.
    service-list        List the Heat engines.
    snapshot-delete     Delete a snapshot of a stack.
    snapshot-list       List the snapshots of a stack.
    snapshot-show       Show a snapshot of a stack.
    stack-abandon       Abandon the stack.
    stack-adopt         Adopt a stack.
                        Cancel currently running update of the stack.
    stack-create        Create the stack.
    stack-delete        Delete the stack(s).
    stack-list          List the user's stacks.
    stack-preview       Preview the stack.
    stack-restore       Restore a snapshot of a stack.
    stack-show          Describe the stack.
    stack-snapshot      Make a snapshot of a stack.
    stack-update        Update the stack.
                        List the available functions.
    template-show       Get the template for the specified stack.
    template-validate   Validate a template with parameters.
                        List the available template versions.
    bash-completion     Prints all of the commands and options to stdout.
    help                Display help about this program or one of its

Optional arguments:
  --version             Shows the client version and exits.
  -d, --debug           Defaults to env[HEATCLIENT_DEBUG].
  -v, --verbose         Print more verbose output.
  --api-timeout API_TIMEOUT
                        Number of seconds to wait for an API response,
                        defaults to system socket timeout
  --os-no-client-auth   Do not contact keystone for a token. Defaults to
  --heat-url HEAT_URL   Defaults to env[HEAT_URL].
  --heat-api-version HEAT_API_VERSION
                        Defaults to env[HEAT_API_VERSION] or 1.
  --include-password    Send os-username and os-password to heat.
  -k, --insecure        Explicitly allow heatclient to perform "insecure SSL"
                        (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be
                        verified against any certificate authorities. This
                        option should be used with caution.
  --os-cert OS_CERT     Path of certificate file to use in SSL connection.
                        This file can optionally be prepended with the private
  --cert-file OS_CERT   DEPRECATED! Use --os-cert.
  --os-key OS_KEY       Path of client key to use in SSL connection. This
                        option is not necessary if your key is prepended to
                        your cert file.
  --key-file OS_KEY     DEPRECATED! Use --os-key.
  --os-cacert <ca-certificate-file>
                        Path of CA TLS certificate(s) used to verify the
                        remote server's certificate. Without this option
                        glance looks for the default system CA certificates.
  --ca-file OS_CACERT   DEPRECATED! Use --os-cacert.
  --os-username OS_USERNAME
                        Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME].
  --os-user-id OS_USER_ID
                        Defaults to env[OS_USER_ID].
  --os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID
                        Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID].
  --os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME
                        Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME].
  --os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID
                        Another way to specify tenant ID. This option is
                        mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-id. Defaults to
  --os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME
                        Another way to specify tenant name. This option is
                        mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-name. Defaults to
  --os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID
                        Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID].
  --os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME
                        Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME].
  --os-password OS_PASSWORD
                        Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].
  --os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID
                        Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID].
  --os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME
                        Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].
  --os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL
                        Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL].
  --os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME
                        Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME].
  --os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN
                        Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_TOKEN].
  --os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE
                        Defaults to env[OS_SERVICE_TYPE].
  --os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE
                        Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE].
  --profile HMAC_KEY    HMAC key to use for encrypting context data for
                        performance profiling of operation. This key should be
                        the value of HMAC key configured in osprofiler
                        middleware in heat, it is specified in the paste
                        configuration (/etc/heat/api-paste.ini). Without the
                        key, profiling will not be triggered even if
                        osprofiler is enabled on server side.

See "heat help COMMAND" for help on a specific command.
In [8]:
heat help stack-create
usage: heat stack-create [-f <FILE>] [-e <FILE or URL>]
                         [--pre-create <RESOURCE>] [-u <URL>] [-o <URL>]
                         [-c <TIMEOUT>] [-t <TIMEOUT>] [-r]
                         [-P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-Pf <KEY=FILE>]
                         [--poll [SECONDS]] [--tags <TAG1,TAG2>]

Create the stack.

Positional arguments:
  <STACK_NAME>          Name of the stack to create.

Optional arguments:
  -f <FILE>, --template-file <FILE>
                        Path to the template.
  -e <FILE or URL>, --environment-file <FILE or URL>
                        Path to the environment, it can be specified multiple
  --pre-create <RESOURCE>
                        Name of a resource to set a pre-create hook to.
                        Resources in nested stacks can be set using slash as a
                        separator: nested_stack/another/my_resource. You can
                        use wildcards to match multiple stacks or resources:
                        nested_stack/an*/*_resource. This can be specified
                        multiple times
  -u <URL>, --template-url <URL>
                        URL of template.
  -o <URL>, --template-object <URL>
                        URL to retrieve template object (e.g. from swift).
  -c <TIMEOUT>, --create-timeout <TIMEOUT>
                        Stack creation timeout in minutes. DEPRECATED use
                        --timeout instead.
  -t <TIMEOUT>, --timeout <TIMEOUT>
                        Stack creation timeout in minutes.
  -r, --enable-rollback
                        Enable rollback on create/update failure.
  -P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --parameters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>
                        Parameter values used to create the stack. This can be
                        specified multiple times, or once with parameters
                        separated by a semicolon.
  -Pf <KEY=FILE>, --parameter-file <KEY=FILE>
                        Parameter values from file used to create the stack.
                        This can be specified multiple times. Parameter value
                        would be the content of the file
  --poll [SECONDS]      Poll and report events until stack completes. Optional
                        poll interval in seconds can be provided as argument,
                        default 5.
  --tags <TAG1,TAG2>    A list of tags to associate with the stack.

例外 openstack コマンド

In [9]:
openstack help
usage: openstack [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h] [--debug]
                 [--os-cloud <cloud-config-name>]
                 [--os-region-name <auth-region-name>]
                 [--os-cacert <ca-bundle-file>] [--os-cert <certificate-file>]
                 [--os-key <key-file>] [--verify | --insecure]
                 [--os-default-domain <auth-domain>]
                 [--os-interface <interface>] [--timing] [--os-beta-command]
                 [--os-profile hmac-key]
                 [--os-compute-api-version <compute-api-version>]
                 [--os-network-api-version <network-api-version>]
                 [--os-image-api-version <image-api-version>]
                 [--os-volume-api-version <volume-api-version>]
                 [--os-identity-api-version <identity-api-version>]
                 [--os-object-api-version <object-api-version>]
                 [--os-workflow-api-version <workflow-api-version>]
                 [--os-data-processing-api-version <data-processing-api-version>]
                 [--os-data-processing-url OS_DATA_PROCESSING_URL]
                 [--os-orchestration-api-version <orchestration-api-version>]
                 [--os-dns-api-version <dns-api-version>]
                 [--os-key-manager-api-version <key-manager-api-version>]
                 [--os-alarming-api-version <alarming-api-version>]
                 [--os-queues-api-version <queues-api-version>]
                 [--os-container-infra-api-version <container-infra-api-version>]
                 [--os-auth-type <auth-type>]
                 [--os-authorization-code <auth-authorization-code>]
                 [--os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>]
                 [--os-protocol <auth-protocol>]
                 [--os-project-name <auth-project-name>]
                 [--os-trust-id <auth-trust-id>]
                 [--os-consumer-key <auth-consumer-key>]
                 [--os-domain-name <auth-domain-name>]
                 [--os-access-secret <auth-access-secret>]
                 [--os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>]
                 [--os-access-token-type <auth-access-token-type>]
                 [--os-identity-provider-url <auth-identity-provider-url>]
                 [--os-default-domain-name <auth-default-domain-name>]
                 [--os-access-token-endpoint <auth-access-token-endpoint>]
                 [--os-access-token <auth-access-token>]
                 [--os-domain-id <auth-domain-id>]
                 [--os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>]
                 [--os-openid-scope <auth-openid-scope>]
                 [--os-user-id <auth-user-id>]
                 [--os-identity-provider <auth-identity-provider>]
                 [--os-username <auth-username>]
                 [--os-auth-url <auth-auth-url>]
                 [--os-client-secret <auth-client-secret>]
                 [--os-default-domain-id <auth-default-domain-id>]
                 [--os-discovery-endpoint <auth-discovery-endpoint>]
                 [--os-client-id <auth-client-id>]
                 [--os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>]
                 [--os-access-key <auth-access-key>]
                 [--os-password <auth-password>]
                 [--os-redirect-uri <auth-redirect-uri>]
                 [--os-endpoint <auth-endpoint>]
                 [--os-aodh-endpoint <auth-aodh-endpoint>]
                 [--os-roles <auth-roles>] [--os-url <auth-url>]
                 [--os-consumer-secret <auth-consumer-secret>]
                 [--os-token <auth-token>] [--os-passcode <auth-passcode>]
                 [--os-project-id <auth-project-id>]

Command-line interface to the OpenStack APIs

optional arguments:
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
  -q, --quiet           Suppress output except warnings and errors.
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
  -h, --help            Show help message and exit.
  --debug               Show tracebacks on errors.
  --os-cloud <cloud-config-name>
                        Cloud name in clouds.yaml (Env: OS_CLOUD)
  --os-region-name <auth-region-name>
                        Authentication region name (Env: OS_REGION_NAME)
  --os-cacert <ca-bundle-file>
                        CA certificate bundle file (Env: OS_CACERT)
  --os-cert <certificate-file>
                        Client certificate bundle file (Env: OS_CERT)
  --os-key <key-file>   Client certificate key file (Env: OS_KEY)
  --verify              Verify server certificate (default)
  --insecure            Disable server certificate verification
  --os-default-domain <auth-domain>
                        Default domain ID, default=default. (Env:
  --os-interface <interface>
                        Select an interface type. Valid interface types:
                        [admin, public, internal]. (Env: OS_INTERFACE)
  --timing              Print API call timing info
  --os-beta-command     Enable beta commands which are subject to change
  --os-profile hmac-key
                        HMAC key for encrypting profiling context data
  --os-compute-api-version <compute-api-version>
                        Compute API version, default=2 (Env:
  --os-network-api-version <network-api-version>
                        Network API version, default=2.0 (Env:
  --os-image-api-version <image-api-version>
                        Image API version, default=1 (Env:
  --os-volume-api-version <volume-api-version>
                        Volume API version, default=2 (Env:
  --os-identity-api-version <identity-api-version>
                        Identity API version, default=3 (Env:
  --os-object-api-version <object-api-version>
                        Object API version, default=1 (Env:
  --os-workflow-api-version <workflow-api-version>
                        Workflow API version, default=2 (Env:
  --os-data-processing-api-version <data-processing-api-version>
                        Data processing API version, default=1.1 (Env:
  --os-data-processing-url OS_DATA_PROCESSING_URL
                        Data processing API URL, (Env:
  --os-orchestration-api-version <orchestration-api-version>
                        Orchestration API version, default=1 (Env:
  --os-dns-api-version <dns-api-version>
                        DNS API version, default=2 (Env: OS_DNS_API_VERSION)
  --os-key-manager-api-version <key-manager-api-version>
                        Barbican API version, default=1 (Env:
  --os-alarming-api-version <alarming-api-version>
                        Queues API version, default=2 (Env:
  --os-queues-api-version <queues-api-version>
                        Queues API version, default=2 (Env:
  --os-container-infra-api-version <container-infra-api-version>
                        Container-Infra API version, default=1 (Env:
  --os-auth-type <auth-type>
                        Select an authentication type. Available types:
                        v2token, password, admin_token, v3oidcauthcode,
                        v2password, v3samlpassword, v3password,
                        v3oidcaccesstoken, v3oidcpassword, token,
                        v3oidcclientcredentials, v3tokenlessauth, v3token,
                        v3totp, aodh-noauth, v3oauth1, token_endpoint.
                        Default: selected based on --os-username/--os-token
                        (Env: OS_AUTH_TYPE)
  --os-authorization-code <auth-authorization-code>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code
                        (Env: OS_AUTHORIZATION_CODE)
  --os-project-domain-id <auth-project-domain-id>
                        With password: Domain ID containing project With
                        v3oidcauthcode: Domain ID containing project With
                        v3samlpassword: Domain ID containing project With
                        v3password: Domain ID containing project With
                        v3oidcaccesstoken: Domain ID containing project With
                        v3oidcpassword: Domain ID containing project With
                        token: Domain ID containing project With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Domain ID containing project
                        With v3tokenlessauth: Domain ID containing project
                        With v3token: Domain ID containing project With
                        v3totp: Domain ID containing project (Env:
  --os-protocol <auth-protocol>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: Protocol for federated plugin
                        With v3samlpassword: Protocol for federated plugin
                        With v3oidcaccesstoken: Protocol for federated plugin
                        With v3oidcpassword: Protocol for federated plugin
                        With v3oidcclientcredentials: Protocol for federated
                        plugin (Env: OS_PROTOCOL)
  --os-project-name <auth-project-name>
                        With password: Project name to scope to With
                        v3oidcauthcode: Project name to scope to With
                        v3samlpassword: Project name to scope to With
                        v3password: Project name to scope to With
                        v3oidcaccesstoken: Project name to scope to With
                        v3oidcpassword: Project name to scope to With token:
                        Project name to scope to With v3oidcclientcredentials:
                        Project name to scope to With v3tokenlessauth: Project
                        name to scope to With v3token: Project name to scope
                        to With v3totp: Project name to scope to (Env:
  --os-trust-id <auth-trust-id>
                        With v2token: Trust ID With password: Trust ID With
                        v3oidcauthcode: Trust ID With v2password: Trust ID
                        With v3samlpassword: Trust ID With v3password: Trust
                        ID With v3oidcaccesstoken: Trust ID With
                        v3oidcpassword: Trust ID With token: Trust ID With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Trust ID With v3token: Trust
                        ID With v3totp: Trust ID (Env: OS_TRUST_ID)
  --os-consumer-key <auth-consumer-key>
                        With v3oauth1: OAuth Consumer ID/Key (Env:
  --os-domain-name <auth-domain-name>
                        With password: Domain name to scope to With
                        v3oidcauthcode: Domain name to scope to With
                        v3samlpassword: Domain name to scope to With
                        v3password: Domain name to scope to With
                        v3oidcaccesstoken: Domain name to scope to With
                        v3oidcpassword: Domain name to scope to With token:
                        Domain name to scope to With v3oidcclientcredentials:
                        Domain name to scope to With v3tokenlessauth: Domain
                        name to scope to With v3token: Domain name to scope to
                        With v3totp: Domain name to scope to (Env:
  --os-access-secret <auth-access-secret>
                        With v3oauth1: OAuth Access Secret (Env:
  --os-user-domain-id <auth-user-domain-id>
                        With password: User's domain id With v3password:
                        User's domain id With v3totp: User's domain id (Env:
  --os-access-token-type <auth-access-token-type>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server
                        Introspection token type, it is used to decide which
                        type of token will be used when processing token
                        introspection. Valid values are: "access_token" or
                        "id_token" With v3oidcpassword: OAuth 2.0
                        Authorization Server Introspection token type, it is
                        used to decide which type of token will be used when
                        processing token introspection. Valid values are:
                        "access_token" or "id_token" With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: OAuth 2.0 Authorization
                        Server Introspection token type, it is used to decide
                        which type of token will be used when processing token
                        introspection. Valid values are: "access_token" or
                        "id_token" (Env: OS_ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE)
  --os-identity-provider-url <auth-identity-provider-url>
                        With v3samlpassword: An Identity Provider URL, where
                        the SAML2 authentication request will be sent. (Env:
  --os-default-domain-name <auth-default-domain-name>
                        With password: Optional domain name to use with v3 API
                        and v2 parameters. It will be used for both the user
                        and project domain in v3 and ignored in v2
                        authentication. With token: Optional domain name to
                        use with v3 API and v2 parameters. It will be used for
                        both the user and project domain in v3 and ignored in
                        v2 authentication. (Env: OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME)
  --os-access-token-endpoint <auth-access-token-endpoint>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OpenID Connect Provider Token
                        Endpoint. Note that if a discovery document is being
                        passed this option will override the endpoint provided
                        by the server in the discovery document. With
                        v3oidcpassword: OpenID Connect Provider Token
                        Endpoint. Note that if a discovery document is being
                        passed this option will override the endpoint provided
                        by the server in the discovery document. With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: OpenID Connect Provider Token
                        Endpoint. Note that if a discovery document is being
                        passed this option will override the endpoint provided
                        by the server in the discovery document. (Env:
  --os-access-token <auth-access-token>
                        With v3oidcaccesstoken: OAuth 2.0 Access Token (Env:
  --os-domain-id <auth-domain-id>
                        With password: Domain ID to scope to With
                        v3oidcauthcode: Domain ID to scope to With
                        v3samlpassword: Domain ID to scope to With v3password:
                        Domain ID to scope to With v3oidcaccesstoken: Domain
                        ID to scope to With v3oidcpassword: Domain ID to scope
                        to With token: Domain ID to scope to With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Domain ID to scope to With
                        v3tokenlessauth: Domain ID to scope to With v3token:
                        Domain ID to scope to With v3totp: Domain ID to scope
                        to (Env: OS_DOMAIN_ID)
  --os-user-domain-name <auth-user-domain-name>
                        With password: User's domain name With v3password:
                        User's domain name With v3totp: User's domain name
                        (Env: OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME)
  --os-openid-scope <auth-openid-scope>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OpenID Connect scope that is
                        requested from authorization server. Note that the
                        OpenID Connect specification states that "openid" must
                        be always specified. With v3oidcpassword: OpenID
                        Connect scope that is requested from authorization
                        server. Note that the OpenID Connect specification
                        states that "openid" must be always specified. With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: OpenID Connect scope that is
                        requested from authorization server. Note that the
                        OpenID Connect specification states that "openid" must
                        be always specified. (Env: OS_OPENID_SCOPE)
  --os-user-id <auth-user-id>
                        With password: User id With v2password: User ID to
                        login with With v3password: User ID With v3totp: User
                        ID With aodh-noauth: User ID (Env: OS_USER_ID)
  --os-identity-provider <auth-identity-provider>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: Identity Provider's name With
                        v3samlpassword: Identity Provider's name With
                        v3oidcaccesstoken: Identity Provider's name With
                        v3oidcpassword: Identity Provider's name With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Identity Provider's name
                        (Env: OS_IDENTITY_PROVIDER)
  --os-username <auth-username>
                        With password: Username With v2password: Username to
                        login with With v3samlpassword: Username With
                        v3password: Username With v3oidcpassword: Username
                        With v3totp: Username (Env: OS_USERNAME)
  --os-auth-url <auth-auth-url>
                        With v2token: Authentication URL With password:
                        Authentication URL With v3oidcauthcode: Authentication
                        URL With v2password: Authentication URL With
                        v3samlpassword: Authentication URL With v3password:
                        Authentication URL With v3oidcaccesstoken:
                        Authentication URL With v3oidcpassword: Authentication
                        URL With token: Authentication URL With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Authentication URL With
                        v3tokenlessauth: Authentication URL With v3token:
                        Authentication URL With v3totp: Authentication URL
                        With v3oauth1: Authentication URL (Env: OS_AUTH_URL)
  --os-client-secret <auth-client-secret>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OAuth 2.0 Client Secret With
                        v3oidcpassword: OAuth 2.0 Client Secret With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: OAuth 2.0 Client Secret (Env:
  --os-default-domain-id <auth-default-domain-id>
                        With password: Optional domain ID to use with v3 and
                        v2 parameters. It will be used for both the user and
                        project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication.
                        With token: Optional domain ID to use with v3 and v2
                        parameters. It will be used for both the user and
                        project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication.
                        (Env: OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID)
  --os-discovery-endpoint <auth-discovery-endpoint>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OpenID Connect Discovery Document
                        URL. The discovery document will be used to obtain the
                        values of the access token endpoint and the
                        authentication endpoint. This URL should look like
                        configuration With v3oidcpassword: OpenID Connect
                        Discovery Document URL. The discovery document will be
                        used to obtain the values of the access token endpoint
                        and the authentication endpoint. This URL should look
                        like https://idp.example.org/.well-known/openid-
                        configuration With v3oidcclientcredentials: OpenID
                        Connect Discovery Document URL. The discovery document
                        will be used to obtain the values of the access token
                        endpoint and the authentication endpoint. This URL
                        should look like https://idp.example.org/.well-known
                        /openid-configuration (Env: OS_DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT)
  --os-client-id <auth-client-id>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OAuth 2.0 Client ID With
                        v3oidcpassword: OAuth 2.0 Client ID With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: OAuth 2.0 Client ID (Env:
  --os-project-domain-name <auth-project-domain-name>
                        With password: Domain name containing project With
                        v3oidcauthcode: Domain name containing project With
                        v3samlpassword: Domain name containing project With
                        v3password: Domain name containing project With
                        v3oidcaccesstoken: Domain name containing project With
                        v3oidcpassword: Domain name containing project With
                        token: Domain name containing project With
                        v3oidcclientcredentials: Domain name containing
                        project With v3tokenlessauth: Domain name containing
                        project With v3token: Domain name containing project
                        With v3totp: Domain name containing project (Env:
  --os-access-key <auth-access-key>
                        With v3oauth1: OAuth Access Key (Env: OS_ACCESS_KEY)
  --os-password <auth-password>
                        With password: User's password With v2password:
                        Password to use With v3samlpassword: Password With
                        v3password: User's password With v3oidcpassword:
                        Password (Env: OS_PASSWORD)
  --os-redirect-uri <auth-redirect-uri>
                        With v3oidcauthcode: OpenID Connect Redirect URL (Env:
  --os-endpoint <auth-endpoint>
                        With admin_token: The endpoint that will always be
                        used (Env: OS_ENDPOINT)
  --os-aodh-endpoint <auth-aodh-endpoint>
                        With aodh-noauth: Aodh endpoint (Env:
  --os-roles <auth-roles>
                        With aodh-noauth: Roles (Env: OS_ROLES)
  --os-url <auth-url>   With token_endpoint: Specific service endpoint to use
                        (Env: OS_URL)
  --os-consumer-secret <auth-consumer-secret>
                        With v3oauth1: OAuth Consumer Secret (Env:
  --os-token <auth-token>
                        With v2token: Token With admin_token: The token that
                        will always be used With token: Token to authenticate
                        with With v3token: Token to authenticate with With
                        token_endpoint: Authentication token to use (Env:
  --os-passcode <auth-passcode>
                        With v3totp: User's TOTP passcode (Env: OS_PASSCODE)
  --os-project-id <auth-project-id>
                        With password: Project ID to scope to With
                        v3oidcauthcode: Project ID to scope to With
                        v3samlpassword: Project ID to scope to With
                        v3password: Project ID to scope to With
                        v3oidcaccesstoken: Project ID to scope to With
                        v3oidcpassword: Project ID to scope to With token:
                        Project ID to scope to With v3oidcclientcredentials:
                        Project ID to scope to With v3tokenlessauth: Project
                        ID to scope to With v3token: Project ID to scope to
                        With v3totp: Project ID to scope to With aodh-noauth:
                        Project ID (Env: OS_PROJECT_ID)

  acl delete     Delete ACLs for a secret or container as identified by its href.
  acl get        Retrieve ACLs for a secret or container by providing its href.
  acl submit     Submit ACL on a secret or container as identified by its href.
  acl user add   Add ACL users to a secret or container as identified by its href.
  acl user remove  Remove ACL users from a secret or container as identified by its href.
  action definition create  Create new action.
  action definition definition show  Show action definition.
  action definition delete  Delete action.
  action definition list  List all actions.
  action definition show  Show specific action.
  action definition update  Update action.
  action execution delete  Delete action execution.
  action execution input show  Show Action execution input data.
  action execution list  List all Action executions.
  action execution output show  Show Action execution output data.
  action execution run  Create new Action execution or just run specific action.
  action execution show  Show specific Action execution.
  action execution update  Update specific Action execution.
  address scope create  Create a new Address Scope
  address scope delete  Delete address scope(s)
  address scope list  List address scopes
  address scope set  Set address scope properties
  address scope show  Display address scope details
  aggregate add host  Add host to aggregate
  aggregate create  Create a new aggregate
  aggregate delete  Delete existing aggregate(s)
  aggregate list  List all aggregates
  aggregate remove host  Remove host from aggregate
  aggregate set  Set aggregate properties
  aggregate show  Display aggregate details
  aggregate unset  Unset aggregate properties
  alarm create   Create an alarm
  alarm delete   Delete an alarm
  alarm list     List alarms
  alarm show     Show an alarm
  alarm state get  Delete an alarm
  alarm state set  Delete an alarm
  alarm update   Update an alarm
  alarm-history search  Show history for all alarms based on query
  alarm-history show  Show history for an alarm
  alarming capabilities list  List capabilities
  availability zone list  List availability zones and their status
  ca get         Retrieve a CA by providing its URI.
  ca list        List cas.
  catalog list   List services in the service catalog
  catalog show   Display service catalog details
  claim create   Create claim and return a list of claimed messages
  claim query    Display claim details
  claim release  Delete a claim
  claim renew    Renew a claim
  command list   List recognized commands by group
  complete       print bash completion command
  compute agent create  Create compute agent
  compute agent delete  Delete compute agent(s)
  compute agent list  List compute agents
  compute agent set  Set compute agent properties
  compute service delete  Delete compute service(s)
  compute service list  List compute services
  compute service set  Set compute service properties
  configuration show  Display configuration details
  console log show  Show server's console output
  console url show  Show server's remote console URL
  container create  Create new container
  container delete  Delete container
  container list  List containers
  container save  Save container contents locally
  container set  Set container properties
  container show  Display container details
  container unset  Unset container properties
  cron trigger create  Create new trigger.
  cron trigger delete  Delete trigger.
  cron trigger list  List all cron triggers.
  cron trigger show  Show specific cron trigger.
  dataprocessing cluster create  Creates cluster
  dataprocessing cluster delete  Deletes cluster
  dataprocessing cluster list  Lists clusters
  dataprocessing cluster scale  Scales cluster
  dataprocessing cluster show  Display cluster details
  dataprocessing cluster template create  Creates cluster template
  dataprocessing cluster template delete  Deletes cluster template
  dataprocessing cluster template list  Lists cluster templates
  dataprocessing cluster template show  Display cluster template details
  dataprocessing cluster template update  Updates cluster template
  dataprocessing cluster update  Updates cluster
  dataprocessing cluster verification  Updates cluster verifications
  dataprocessing data source create  Creates data source
  dataprocessing data source delete  Delete data source
  dataprocessing data source list  Lists data sources
  dataprocessing data source show  Display data source details
  dataprocessing data source update  Update data source
  dataprocessing image list  Lists registered images
  dataprocessing image register  Register an image
  dataprocessing image show  Display image details
  dataprocessing image tags add  Add image tags
  dataprocessing image tags remove  Remove image tags
  dataprocessing image tags set  Set image tags (Replace current image tags with provided ones)
  dataprocessing image unregister  Unregister image(s)
  dataprocessing job binary create  Creates job binary
  dataprocessing job binary delete  Deletes job binary
  dataprocessing job binary download  Downloads job binary
  dataprocessing job binary list  Lists job binaries
  dataprocessing job binary show  Display job binary details
  dataprocessing job binary update  Updates job binary
  dataprocessing job delete  Deletes job
  dataprocessing job execute  Executes job
  dataprocessing job list  Lists jobs
  dataprocessing job show  Display job details
  dataprocessing job template create  Creates job template
  dataprocessing job template delete  Deletes job template
  dataprocessing job template list  Lists job templates
  dataprocessing job template show  Display job template details
  dataprocessing job template update  Updates job template
  dataprocessing job type configs get  Get job type configs
  dataprocessing job type list  Lists job types supported by plugins
  dataprocessing job update  Updates job
  dataprocessing node group template create  Creates node group template
  dataprocessing node group template delete  Deletes node group template
  dataprocessing node group template list  Lists node group templates
  dataprocessing node group template show  Display node group template details
  dataprocessing node group template update  Updates node group template
  dataprocessing plugin configs get  Get plugin configs
  dataprocessing plugin list  Lists plugins
  dataprocessing plugin show  Display plugin details
  dataprocessing plugin update  
  dns quota list  List quotas
  dns quota reset  Delete blacklist
  dns quota set  Set blacklist properties
  dns service list  List service statuses
  dns service show  Show service status details
  ec2 credentials create  Create EC2 credentials
  ec2 credentials delete  Delete EC2 credentials
  ec2 credentials list  List EC2 credentials
  ec2 credentials show  Display EC2 credentials details
  endpoint create  Create new endpoint
  endpoint delete  Delete endpoint(s)
  endpoint list  List endpoints
  endpoint show  Display endpoint details
  extension list  List API extensions
  flavor create  Create new flavor
  flavor delete  Delete flavor(s)
  flavor list    List flavors
  flavor set     Set flavor properties
  flavor show    Display flavor details
  flavor unset   Unset flavor properties
  floating ip create  Create floating IP
  floating ip delete  Delete floating IP(s)
  floating ip list  List floating IP(s)
  floating ip pool list  List pools of floating IP addresses
  floating ip show  Display floating IP details
  help           print detailed help for another command
  host list      List hosts
  host set       Set host properties
  host show      Display host details
  hypervisor list  List hypervisors
  hypervisor show  Display hypervisor details
  hypervisor stats show  Display hypervisor stats details
  image add project  Associate project with image
  image create   Create/upload an image
  image delete   Delete image(s)
  image list     List available images
  image remove project  Disassociate project with image
  image save     Save an image locally
  image set      Set image properties
  image show     Display image details
  image unset    Unset image tags and properties
  ip availability list  List IP availability for network
  ip availability show  Show network IP availability details
  keypair create  Create new public key
  keypair delete  Delete public key(s)
  keypair list   List public key fingerprints
  keypair show   Display public key details
  limits show    Show compute and block storage limits
  messaging flavor create  Create a pool flavor
  messaging flavor delete  Delete a flavor
  messaging flavor list  List available flavors
  messaging flavor show  Display flavor details
  messaging flavor update  Update a flavor's attributes
  messaging health  Display detailed health status of Zaqar server
  messaging ping  Check if Zaqar server is alive or not
  module list    List module versions
  network agent delete  Delete network agent(s)
  network agent list  List network agents
  network agent set  Set network agent properties
  network agent show  Display network agent details
  network create  Create new network
  network delete  Delete network(s)
  network list   List networks
  network rbac create  Create network RBAC policy
  network rbac delete  Delete network RBAC policy(s)
  network rbac list  List network RBAC policies
  network rbac set  Set network RBAC policy properties
  network rbac show  Display network RBAC policy details
  network segment list  List network segments
  network segment show  Display network segment details
  network set    Set network properties
  network show   Show network details
  network subport list  List all subports for a given network trunk
  network trunk create  Create a network trunk for a given project
  network trunk delete  Delete a given network trunk
  network trunk list  List all network trunks
  network trunk set  Set network trunk properties
  network trunk show  Show information of a given network trunk
  network trunk unset  Unset subports from a given network trunk
  object create  Upload object to container
  object delete  Delete object from container
  object list    List objects
  object save    Save object locally
  object set     Set object properties
  object show    Display object details
  object store account set  Set account properties
  object store account show  Display account details
  object store account unset  Unset account properties
  object unset   Unset object properties
  orchestration build info  Retrieve build information.
  orchestration resource type list  List resource types.
  orchestration resource type show  Show details and optionally generate a template for a resource type.
  orchestration service list  List the Heat engines.
  orchestration template function list  List the available functions.
  orchestration template validate  Validate a template
  orchestration template version list  List the available template versions.
  pool create    Create a pool
  pool delete    Delete a pool
  pool list      List available Pools
  pool show      Display pool details
  pool update    Update a pool attribute
  port create    Create a new port
  port delete    Delete port(s)
  port list      List ports
  port set       Set port properties
  port show      Display port details
  port unset     Unset port properties
  project create  Create new project
  project delete  Delete project(s)
  project list   List projects
  project set    Set project properties
  project show   Display project details
  project unset  Unset project properties
  ptr record list  List floatingip ptr records
  ptr record set  Set floatingip ptr record
  ptr record show  Show floatingip ptr record details
  ptr record unset  Unset floatingip ptr record
  queue create   Create a queue
  queue delete   Delete a queue
  queue get metadata  Get queue metadata
  queue list     List available queues
  queue set metadata  Set queue metadata
  queue signed url  Create a queue
  queue stats    Get queue stats
  quota set      Set quotas for project or class
  quota show     Show quotas for project or class
  recordset create  Create new recordset
  recordset delete  Delete recordset
  recordset list  List recordsets
  recordset set  Set recordset properties
  recordset show  Show recordset details
  resource member create  Shares a resource to another tenant.
  resource member delete  Delete a resource sharing relationship.
  resource member list  List all members.
  resource member show  Show specific member information.
  resource member update  Update resource sharing status.
  role add       Add role to project:user
  role assignment list  List role assignments
  role create    Create new role
  role delete    Delete role(s)
  role list      List roles
  role remove    Remove role from project : user
  role show      Display role details
  router add port  Add a port to a router
  router add subnet  Add a subnet to a router
  router create  Create a new router
  router delete  Delete router(s)
  router list    List routers
  router remove port  Remove a port from a router
  router remove subnet  Remove a subnet from a router
  router set     Set router properties
  router show    Display router details
  router unset   Unset router properties
  secret container create  Store a container in Barbican.
  secret container delete  Delete a container by providing its href.
  secret container get  Retrieve a container by providing its URI.
  secret container list  List containers.
  secret delete  Delete a secret by providing its URI.
  secret get     Retrieve a secret by providing its URI.
  secret list    List secrets.
  secret order create  Create a new order.
  secret order delete  Delete an order by providing its href.
  secret order get  Retrieve an order by providing its URI.
  secret order list  List orders.
  secret store   Store a secret in Barbican.
  secret update  Update a secret with no payload in Barbican.
  security group create  Create a new security group
  security group delete  Delete security group(s)
  security group list  List security groups
  security group rule create  Create a new security group rule
  security group rule delete  Delete security group rule(s)
  security group rule list  List security group rules
  security group rule show  Display security group rule details
  security group set  Set security group properties
  security group show  Display security group details
  server add fixed ip  Add fixed IP address to server
  server add floating ip  Add floating IP address to server
  server add security group  Add security group to server
  server add volume  Add volume to server
  server backup create  Create a server backup image
  server create  Create a new server
  server delete  Delete server(s)
  server dump create  Create a dump file in server(s)
  server group create  Create a new server group.
  server group delete  Delete existing server group(s).
  server group list  List all server groups.
  server group show  Display server group details.
  server image create  Create a new server disk image from an existing server
  server list    List servers
  server lock    Lock server(s). A non-admin user will not be able to execute actions
  server migrate  Migrate server to different host
  server pause   Pause server(s)
  server reboot  Perform a hard or soft server reboot
  server rebuild  Rebuild server
  server remove fixed ip  Remove fixed IP address from server
  server remove floating ip  Remove floating IP address from server
  server remove security group  Remove security group from server
  server remove volume  Remove volume from server
  server rescue  Put server in rescue mode
  server resize  Scale server to a new flavor
  server restore  Restore server(s)
  server resume  Resume server(s)
  server set     Set server properties
  server shelve  Shelve server(s)
  server show    Show server details
  server ssh     SSH to server
  server start   Start server(s).
  server stop    Stop server(s).
  server suspend  Suspend server(s)
  server unlock  Unlock server(s)
  server unpause  Unpause server(s)
  server unrescue  Restore server from rescue mode
  server unset   Unset server properties
  server unshelve  Unshelve server(s)
  service create  Create new service
  service delete  Delete service(s)
  service list   List services
  service show   Display service details
  snapshot create  Create new snapshot
  snapshot delete  Delete volume snapshot(s)
  snapshot list  List snapshots
  snapshot set   Set snapshot properties
  snapshot show  Display snapshot details
  snapshot unset  Unset snapshot properties
  software config create  Create software config
  software config delete  Delete software configs
  software config list  List software configs
  software config show  Show software config details
  software deployment create  Create a software deployment.
  software deployment delete  Delete software deployment(s) and correlative config(s).
  software deployment list  List software deployments.
  software deployment metadata show  Get deployment configuration metadata for the specified server.
  software deployment output show  Show a specific deployment output.
  software deployment show  Show SoftwareDeployment Details.
  stack abandon  Abandon stack and output results.
  stack adopt    Adopt a stack.
  stack cancel   Cancel current task for a stack.
  stack check    Check a stack.
  stack create   Create a stack.
  stack delete   Delete stack(s).
  stack environment show  Show a stack's environment.
  stack event list  List events.
  stack event show  Show event details.
  stack failures list  Show information about failed stack resources.
  stack file list  Show a stack's files map.
  stack hook clear  Clear resource hooks on a given stack.
  stack hook poll  List resources with pending hook for a stack.
  stack list     List stacks.
  stack output list  List stack outputs.
  stack output show  Show stack output.
  stack resource list  List stack resources.
  stack resource mark unhealthy  Set resource's health.
  stack resource metadata  Show resource metadata
  stack resource show  Display stack resource.
  stack resource signal  Signal a resource with optional data.
  stack resume   Resume a stack.
  stack show     Show stack details.
  stack snapshot create  Create stack snapshot.
  stack snapshot delete  Delete stack snapshot.
  stack snapshot list  List stack snapshots.
  stack snapshot restore  Restore stack snapshot
  stack snapshot show  Show stack snapshot.
  stack suspend  Suspend a stack.
  stack template show  Display stack template.
  stack update   Update a stack.
  subnet create  Create a subnet
  subnet delete  Delete subnet(s)
  subnet list    List subnets
  subnet pool create  Create subnet pool
  subnet pool delete  Delete subnet pool(s)
  subnet pool list  List subnet pools
  subnet pool set  Set subnet pool properties
  subnet pool show  Display subnet pool details
  subnet pool unset  Unset subnet pool properties
  subnet set     Set subnet properties
  subnet show    Display subnet details
  subnet unset   Unset subnet properties
  subscription create  Create a subscription for queue
  subscription delete  Delete a subscription
  subscription list  List available subscriptions
  subscription show  Display subscription details
  subscription update  Update a subscription
  task execution list  List all tasks.
  task execution published show  Show task published variables.
  task execution rerun  Rerun an existing task.
  task execution result show  Show task output data.
  task execution show  Show specific task.
  tld create     Create new tld
  tld delete     Delete tld
  tld list       List tlds
  tld set        Set tld properties
  tld show       Show tld details
  token issue    Issue new token
  token revoke   Revoke existing token
  usage list     List resource usage per project
  usage show     Show resource usage for a single project
  user create    Create new user
  user delete    Delete user(s)
  user list      List users
  user role list  List user-role assignments
  user set       Set user properties
  user show      Display user details
  volume backup create  Create new volume backup
  volume backup delete  Delete volume backup(s)
  volume backup list  List volume backups
  volume backup restore  Restore volume backup
  volume backup show  Display volume backup details
  volume create  Create new volume
  volume delete  Delete volume(s)
  volume list    List volumes
  volume qos associate  Associate a QoS specification to a volume type
  volume qos create  Create new QoS specification
  volume qos delete  Delete QoS specification
  volume qos disassociate  Disassociate a QoS specification from a volume type
  volume qos list  List QoS specifications
  volume qos set  Set QoS specification properties
  volume qos show  Display QoS specification details
  volume qos unset  Unset QoS specification properties
  volume service list  List service command
  volume set     Set volume properties
  volume show    Display volume details
  volume transfer request list  Lists all volume transfer requests.
  volume type create  Create new volume type
  volume type delete  Delete volume type(s)
  volume type list  List volume types
  volume type set  Set volume type properties
  volume type show  Display volume type details
  volume type unset  Unset volume type properties
  volume unset   Unset volume properties
  workbook create  Create new workbook.
  workbook definition show  Show workbook definition.
  workbook delete  Delete workbook.
  workbook list  List all workbooks.
  workbook show  Show specific workbook.
  workbook update  Update workbook.
  workbook validate  Validate workbook.
  workflow create  Create new workflow.
  workflow definition show  Show workflow definition.
  workflow delete  Delete workflow.
  workflow engine service list  List all services.
  workflow env create  Create new environment.
  workflow env delete  Delete environment.
  workflow env list  List all environments.
  workflow env show  Show specific environment.
  workflow env update  Update environment.
  workflow execution create  Create new execution.
  workflow execution delete  Delete execution.
  workflow execution input show  Show execution input data.
  workflow execution list  List all executions.
  workflow execution output show  Show execution output data.
  workflow execution show  Show specific execution.
  workflow execution update  Update execution.
  workflow list  List all workflows.
  workflow show  Show specific workflow.
  workflow update  Update workflow.
  workflow validate  Validate workflow.
  zone abandon   Abandon a zone
  zone axfr      AXFR a zone
  zone blacklist create  Create new blacklist
  zone blacklist delete  Delete blacklist
  zone blacklist list  List blacklists
  zone blacklist set  Set blacklist properties
  zone blacklist show  Show blacklist details
  zone create    Create new zone
  zone delete    Delete zone
  zone export create  Export a Zone
  zone export delete  Delete a Zone Export
  zone export list  List Zone Exports
  zone export show  Show a Zone Export
  zone export showfile  Show the zone file for the Zone Export
  zone import create  Import a Zone from a file on the filesystem
  zone import delete  Delete a Zone Import
  zone import list  List Zone Imports
  zone import show  Show a Zone Import
  zone list      List zones
  zone set       Set zone properties
  zone show      Show zone details
  zone transfer accept list  List Zone Transfer Accepts
  zone transfer accept request  Accept a Zone Transfer Request
  zone transfer accept show  Show Zone Transfer Accept
  zone transfer request create  Create new zone transfer request
  zone transfer request delete  Delete a Zone Transfer Request
  zone transfer request list  List Zone Transfer Requests
  zone transfer request set  Set a Zone Transfer Request
  zone transfer request show  Show Zone Transfer Request Details
In [10]:
openstack server -h
Command "server" matches:
  server add fixed ip
  server add floating ip
  server add security group
  server add volume
  server backup create
  server create
  server delete
  server dump create
  server group create
  server group delete
  server group list
  server group show
  server image create
  server list
  server lock
  server migrate
  server pause
  server reboot
  server rebuild
  server remove fixed ip
  server remove floating ip
  server remove security group
  server remove volume
  server rescue
  server resize
  server restore
  server resume
  server set
  server shelve
  server show
  server ssh
  server start
  server stop
  server suspend
  server unlock
  server unpause
  server unrescue
  server unset
  server unshelve
In [11]:
openstack server create -h
usage: openstack server create [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                               [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                               [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                               (--image <image> | --volume <volume>) --flavor
                               [--security-group <security-group-name>]
                               [--key-name <key-name>]
                               [--property <key=value>]
                               [--file <dest-filename=source-filename>]
                               [--user-data <user-data>]
                               [--availability-zone <zone-name>]
                               [--block-device-mapping <dev-name=mapping>]
                               [--nic <net-id=net-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,v6-fixed-ip=ip-addr,port-id=port-uuid>]
                               [--hint <key=value>]
                               [--config-drive <config-drive-volume>|True]
                               [--min <count>] [--max <count>] [--wait]

Create a new server

positional arguments:
  <server-name>         New server name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --image <image>       Create server from this image (name or ID)
  --volume <volume>     Create server from this volume (name or ID)
  --flavor <flavor>     Create server with this flavor (name or ID)
  --security-group <security-group-name>
                        Security group to assign to this server (name or ID)
                        (repeat option to set multiple groups)
  --key-name <key-name>
                        Keypair to inject into this server (optional
  --property <key=value>
                        Set a property on this server (repeat option to set
                        multiple values)
  --file <dest-filename=source-filename>
                        File to inject into image before boot (repeat option
                        to set multiple files)
  --user-data <user-data>
                        User data file to serve from the metadata server
  --availability-zone <zone-name>
                        Select an availability zone for the server
  --block-device-mapping <dev-name=mapping>
                        Map block devices; map is
                        <id>:<type>:<size(GB)>:<delete_on_terminate> (optional
  --nic <net-id=net-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,v6-fixed-ip=ip-addr,port-id=port-uuid>
                        Create a NIC on the server. Specify option multiple
                        times to create multiple NICs. Either net-id or port-
                        id must be provided, but not both. net-id: attach NIC
                        to network with this UUID, port-id: attach NIC to port
                        with this UUID, v4-fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed address for
                        NIC (optional), v6-fixed-ip: IPv6 fixed address for
                        NIC (optional).
  --hint <key=value>    Hints for the scheduler (optional extension)
  --config-drive <config-drive-volume>|True
                        Use specified volume as the config drive, or 'True' to
                        use an ephemeral drive
  --min <count>         Minimum number of servers to launch (default=1)
  --max <count>         Maximum number of servers to launch (default=1)
  --wait                Wait for build to complete

output formatters:
  output formatter options

  -f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}, --format {json,shell,table,value,yaml}
                        the output format, defaults to table
  -c COLUMN, --column COLUMN
                        specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated

table formatter:
  --max-width <integer>
                        Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use
                        the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the
                        parameter takes precedence.

json formatter:
  --noindent            whether to disable indenting the JSON

shell formatter:
  a format a UNIX shell can parse (variable="value")

  --prefix PREFIX       add a prefix to all variable names
In [ ]: